4bimcad2020-08-20 04:17:43
4bimcad, 2020-08-20 04:17:43

Are there any video courses on Django CMS?

Guys, did anyone find video courses or tutorials on Django CMS?
Building a simple website.
Thank you.

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2020-08-20

For a person who knows Django, the Django CMS documentation is enough. There is not much to learn there.

constlapkin, 2020-08-20

Not video courses, but enough to create a simple site (described in an accessible language): https://tutorial.djangogirls.org/ru/

Vyacheslav Kolesnikov, 2020-08-20

Hello, Watch videos on YouTube for free. In courses, the same thing only with assignments. I watched the videos and took the course. If you carefully delve into and pay attention to the little things, fix the right moments so as not to forget, then there are no problems.

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