Sergey2014-02-18 23:36:00
Professional Certification
Sergey, 2014-02-18 23:36:00

Are there any training courses for Zend Certified Engineer in Moscow?

Are there any in Moscow, besides the "specialist" center? For personal reasons, he does not inspire confidence in me. Or maybe some online / video courses? There is a list of books, I want live training or, in extreme cases, a video.

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2 answer(s)
Oleg, 2014-02-19

Considering all of the above habrahabr.ru/post/20479
And relying on www.specialist.ru/track/t-zend
All this, as an option, video lessons torrent distribution https://www.google.ru/search?num=30&newwindow= 1&cl...
Books, whatever one may say, fundamental knowledge is obtained not from video courses www.proklondike.com/books/php.html mexalib. com/tag/PHP
mexalib.com/tag/MySQL progbook.net/xml forcoder.ru/bestbooks/xml-xslt

egor_nullptr, 2014-02-19

Zend PHP Certification Study Guide

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