Alexander Zabudko2015-08-23 22:29:16
Alexander Zabudko, 2015-08-23 22:29:16

Are there any good literature/articles on Go and is this language relevant now?

Hello people!
Lately I've heard a lot about Go / Rust / D, and decided to try them out. The most pleasant and convenient for me was Go, which is well suited for both web and desktop, which I can’t say about Rust and D. (Yes, I know Rust has Iron, but I’m not very interested in it).
I'm going to write web applications, for which I chose Revel, a fairly fast and convenient MVC framework. Before that, I dealt with other mainstream languages: PHP, Python, Ruby, but I didn’t really like the fact that they are interpreted and do not have strong typing (in the case of PHP and Python).
Actually, is there any good literature (language doesn't matter, I read English fluently) or articles about the basics of Go and its application on the web? And is it worth learning? Will it be relevant in the next couple of years? How does he feel in the Ъ-enterprise? Are Go-programmers relevant in the CIS?
ps if you said something incorrectly - do not hit hard, in this case quite recently.

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4 answer(s)
Nikita, 2015-08-23

Articles: official docks. They are well written, there are examples. There is also a Tour of Go on the official website, if you honestly go through it, you can start writing something of your own (of course, if you have development experience in principle)
Everything is worth learning, Golang is no exception, the more we learn, the less free we don’t get memory (becomes, but not significantly, but smarter, broader horizons, etc., etc.)

How does he feel in the Ъ-enterprise?
used by all who took a chance and did not see those who spat and threw.
Are Go-programmers relevant in the CIS?
and why do you need it? Work? Find people to talk to? Both can be easily found if you know what you are doing well enough. Yes, and the language is popular, it was promoted very well, if not today, then tomorrow you will have a company outside your window in which people only write in Go.
And as a tip:
We'll have to forget their concepts. Golang from a different universe.

Puma Thailand, 2015-08-24

ofdoka is excellent
, this language is not yet relevant, but not relevant anymore.

Evgeniy Zavyalov, 2015-08-23

relevant. Go 1.5

@programrails, 2019-12-14

Here What literature can be found on golang?

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