George2018-08-30 20:59:28
George, 2018-08-30 20:59:28

Are there any good courses or books on Python 3.6 in Russian?

Good day, friends!
Prompt good textbooks or courses on Python 3.6 and higher, preferably in Russian (I'm still not good at reading English)!

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7 answer(s)
Hanneman, 2018-08-31

If you want to learn Python and you don't have any programming experience at all, don't be lazy and start with Paul Barry - Head First - Learn Programming... .
In my personal experience, it was this book that brought more benefit to beginners. Lutz's books, although they are excellent, are not quite suitable for those who do not yet know the basics, since the narration in them is carried out with a hint that the reader understands what it is about and it is usually very difficult for beginners to abstractly represent the meaning of the text in Lutz's books (not to mention the fact that, formally, dozens of pages of introduction can mislead beginners and create incorrect associations in understanding programming in general).
As for the book mentioned above, it is interesting to read it and complete tasks in parallel. This book turned out to be very effective for those whom I once advised to start with it, since the story is presented in a very accessible form and there are no “deviations” from the topic. I highly recommend. Moreover, on the Internet you can find a high-quality electronic version.

Dimonchik, 2018-08-30

shtonda.blogspot.com/2017/11/python-standard-libra... for nerds and pedants
and so Lutz, it's strange that I didn't find
or all sorts of Dawsons

NibiruanChild, 2018-08-31

Now I'm watching this course myself
It's 2015, one of the lectures says that 3.5 has just been released, but some features of 3.5 are already indicated. But in general, the course is cool because they don’t tell just another banal thing, like here is a string, here is a variable, for if ... well, that’s it, go program. Chel talks quite deeply how it works and why. For a complete beginner, it can even be difficult in places, although it talks about basic things.

Ivan Noname, 2018-08-31


devidarmand, 2019-03-20

Here is a good list of books that you can read https://tproger.ru/books/free-python-books/ there both in Russian and in English. From the courses - https://shultais.education/courses/python-3 and www.codecademy.com/ru/tracks/python but this is if everything is fine with English

OnYourLips, 2015-02-28

This question is every week.
Tired of repeating that the points on the diploma are given not for the diploma itself, but for its defense. Perform well with an empty diploma - get a good score, badly with a good one - bad.

Dmitry Chernyak, 2015-11-11

Listen to smart people - do not run up. With a new and interesting topic, without a strong leader who is personally interested in the topic, the probability is too high to run into either someone's interests or a very complex problem that cannot be overcome at your level.
But if you really want to:
Today at the Cloud Expo Europe exhibition in Frankfurt, the largest audience was gathered by a speaker with the topic:
"Marketing of cloud solutions. Mismatch between the capabilities of operators and consumer demands"
Main theses:
- Technologies are ahead of needs
- Declared cost-effectiveness of solutions is not consistent with practice
- The proposed products do not solve the problems that concern consumers, etc. (Unfortunately, I did not understand everything by ear)

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