yv19952016-10-03 14:33:23
yv1995, 2016-10-03 14:33:23

Applications / programs are not installed on ubuntu, what should I do? What could be. problem?

Applications / programs are not installed on ubuntu, what should I do? What could be. problem?
Those. I installed Skype through the terminal, the icon is there, I launch it and nothing happens, neither any windows nor anything opens. I delete and install through the application center, the same story!
Also trying to install the NetBeans IDE this is what happens in the console
Setting up the installer...
Searching for a JVM on the system...
Retrieving installation data...
Running the installer...
Still failing moves ..i.e. even installation does not occur! Help plz!

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2016-10-03

Good afternoon.
About skype.
Run through the terminal with the "skype" command and see the output that will be in the console.
Did you install Skype from the official site?
It is necessary to add to the "Application Center"
Then in the console
And then install Skype.
If skype did not work, then try to do the following (terminal)
enter there
and again in the terminal
sudo ldconfig -v

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