U_n_d_e_r2021-05-07 15:41:13
C++ / C#
U_n_d_e_r, 2021-05-07 15:41:13

API request error?

When sending a post request to the site (Binance), an error occurs.

{"code":-1101,"msg":"Too many parameters; expected '6' and received '9'."}

The request looks like this:

var request = new RestRequest("/api/v3/order", Method.POST);
            request.AddHeader("X-MBX-APIKEY", apikey);
            request.AddQueryParameter("symbol", "CTSIBTC");
            request.AddQueryParameter("side", "BUY");
            request.AddQueryParameter("type", "STOP_LOSS_LIMIT");
            request.AddQueryParameter("timeInForce", "GTC");
            request.AddQueryParameter("quantity", quanyty);
            request.AddQueryParameter("price", price);
            request.AddQueryParameter("timestamp", timestamp);
            request.AddQueryParameter("signature", CreateSignature(request.Parameters, secret));
            request.AddQueryParameter("stopPrice", stopPrice);
            var response = client.Get(request);

I don’t really understand what the error is, I re-read the site several times, and could not correct the error.

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1 answer(s)
antonwx, 2021-05-07

They wrote to you: 6 parameters are expected from you, and you give him 9.
Either you misread the docks, or they are stupidly outdated.

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