Sergey2018-12-09 17:26:26
Sergey, 2018-12-09 17:26:26

Anti-spam for WP form?

Good afternoon, how can I save it форму от спамаin a custom WP theme or on a site without an engine? What simple options are there, Google's captcha infuriates a little) MB check somehow for the presence of links in the body of the message?
Thanks in advance

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3 answer(s)
Sergey, 2018-12-09

Suddenly someone will help, just checking for the presence of a link in the field saved

if ( (strpos($_POST["message"], "http") !== false)  ||  (strpos($_POST["email"], "http")  !== false) ) {
    $errors = 'Спамер чтоли?'; // если находим ссылку - возвращаем ошибку

Orkhan Hasanli, 2018-12-09

1) Akismet plugin. You need to get a free API key. Just protects from SPAM. Pretty good.
2) Google Recaptcha v2, Invisible or V3. True, there are no plugins for V3 today (12/09/18).
3) Plugin CleanTalk. Protects very well. A month is free, and after a month about 550 rubles. per year per site. If you can afford it, I recommend

Creator, 2018-12-11

if the form is implemented through some kind of plugin, then, most likely, a check is already built into the form and there is no point in bothering with an additional check.
in particular, such a check is already built into ACF. as well as in the FormCraft plugin

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