Ivan Stroykin2017-01-31 17:04:52
Ivan Stroykin, 2017-01-31 17:04:52

Angular2: Is it possible to generate a navigation menu based on routing?

Good day,
Such a situation, in my routing in data roles are registered (the roles of users who can access this page)
Everything works fine, but I ran into a question about the navigation menu. For now, it's static. Is it possible to form a navigation menu directly on the basis of routing?
For example, this routing:

export const routes: Routes = [
  {path: 'test1', component: Test1Component, data: {title: 'Тест 1', role: ['admin', 'user']}},
  {path: 'test2', component: Test2Component, data: {title: 'Тест 2' role: ['admin']}},
  {path: 'test3', component: Test3Component, data: {title: 'Тест 3' role: ['admin', 'user']}},
  {path: 'test4', component: Test4Component, data: {title: 'Тест 4' role: ['admin']}},

How to take the contents of the routing in the component? I will do the manipulations with the rights and the construction itself without any problems. And is this method good at all?

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2 answer(s)
Ivan Stroykin, 2017-01-31

I don't know how correct this is. But I did))
In general, like this ... We have such a routing (naturally invented):

export const routes: Routes = [
  {path: 'test1', component: Test1Component, data: {title: 'Тест 1', roles: ['admin', 'user']}},
  {path: 'test2', component: Test2Component, children: [
    {path: 'test5', component: Test5Component, data: {title: 'Тест 5', roles: ['admin', 'user'}},
    {path: 'test6', component: Test6Component, data: {title: 'Тест 6', roles: ['admin'}},
  {path: 'test3', component: Test3Component, data: {title: 'Тест 3' roles: ['admin', 'user']}},
  {path: 'test4', component: Test4Component, data: {title: 'Тест 4' roles: ['admin']}},

Next is the navigation component:
menuNavigation = [];
routing: Array<Object>;

constructor(private router: Router) {
     this.routing = router.config;

ngOnInit() {

buildMenuNavigation(navigation: Array<Object>, parentUrl: string = ''): void {
     for (let nav of navigation) {
         // Если есть дочерние пункты, прогоняем еще раз
         if (nav['children']) {
            let newParentUrl = '/' + nav['path'];
             this.buildMenuNavigation(nav['children'], newParentUrl);

         // Добавляем пункты в которых есть 'data: {}'
         if (!nav['children'] && nav['data']) {
                 url: parentUrl + '/' + nav['path'],
                 title: nav['data']['title'],
                 roles: nav['data']['roles'],

And view:
<ng-container *ngFor="let nav of menuNavigation">
     <template [hasRole]="nav.roles">
          <li routerLinkActive="active">
               <a [routerLink]="nav.url"><span>{{nav.title}}</span></a>

hasRole is my directive. Who cares, I have questions, there one very good person helped to finalize

emp1re, 2017-01-31

<a *ngIF="someLogic" routerLink="./test1" routerLinkActive="active">Test1</a> // Так же через хостинг делают, если поискать по сайту найдете примеры.

{   path: 'test1', 
        component: test1Component,

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