NoSuperman2015-09-07 15:02:47
NoSuperman, 2015-09-07 15:02:47

Android development and freelance mentor?

Straight to the point. In the process of becoming me as an android developer, I felt a lack of communication, precisely on this topic, so I decided to find myself a mentor. I know how to use Google, I can find answers to many questions myself.
If there are those who want to suggest, direct, and simply support, I will be grateful for the contacts or write.
Ps Why do most users of the toaster do not fill out their contact details, because you can ignore the "stupid questions" that they will write, while such questions will not be needed because it will be easier to establish contact with an interesting person ?!

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5 answer(s)
Emin, 2015-09-07

And what's the problem then? If there is not enough communication in terms of profession, go to the forums, chat groups , /r/androiddev , Github, Toaster after all. Everywhere you will be answered your specific questions.

Zelimkhan Beltoev, 2015-09-07

I know how to use google

Not noticeable - you will not find a better mentor, and for especially difficult cases there is a special one. forums.
P. s.: there is hardly a person who wants to be distracted by "look what's wrong with me. There's nothing at all in the code, 200-400 lines ...". At least for free and in the form of personal consultations

Oleg Gamega, 2015-09-07

We can say that I am such a mentor, in most cases, not in horse food.
it is for this reason that I no longer sit in the VK group as a typical programmer.
of all the people who write in a personal, only one did not look for an analogue of Google, but in reality, on the advice of Google in that direction, he began to google hard and really work.

Puma Thailand, 2015-09-07

Is it not fate to sit on the developers' forum?

vaux, 2015-09-07

You write as if everyone is just waiting for a newcomer to turn up, for whom they will act as a teacher. You ask, but offer nothing in return. What motivation would a mentor have to take you under their wing? At least this point is worth mentioning in your address.

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