Eserchik2014-06-27 16:25:56
Eserchik, 2014-06-27 16:25:56

Android (CursorLoader if cursor=null)?

Help people find a solution.
I have an empty database at the initial moment, respectively Cursor = null, while the application crashes
Help me find a solution.
Dump Stack
this AsyncTaskLoader $ LoadTask (id = 830023124712)
done CountDownLatch (id = 830023124872)
mFuture AsyncTask $ 3 (id = 830023124800)
mStatus AsyncTask $ Status (id = 830013473536)
mTaskInvoked AtomicBoolean (id = 830023124760)
mWorker AsyncTask $ 2 (id = 830,023,124,776)
result SQLiteCursor (id=830023131016)
mClosed false
mColumnNameMap null
mColumns String[14] (id=830023131696)
mContentObservable ContentObservable (id=830023131192)
mContentResolver null
mCount mCurrentRowID null
mDataSetObservable DataSetObservable (id = 830023131152)
mDriver SQLiteDirectCursorDriver (id = 830023130248)
mEditTable "orders" (id = 830023108288)
mExtras Bundle (id = 830013475456)
mNotifyUri null
mPos -1
mQuery SQLiteQuery (id = 830023130328)
mRowIdColumnIndex 0
mSelfObserver null
mSelfObserverLock Object (id=830023131232)
mSelfObserverRegistered false
mStackTrace DatabaseObjectNotClosedException (id=830023131304)
mUpdatedRows HashMap (id=830023131248)
mWindow null
this$0 FragmentOrdersNew$MyCursorLoader (id=2360883)
waiting false
Method responsible for forming the list

private void getData(){
     db=new DB(getActivity());
    c = db.getData(orderStatus);

                 lm = getLoaderManager();
    lm.initLoader(0, null, this);
    if(c!=null && c.getCount()>0){
        String[] from = new String[] {DB.COLUMN_EXT_ID};
        int[] to = new int[] {R.id.tvExId};
        adapter = new CustomAdapterOrders(getActivity(), R.layout.orders_list, c, from, to,lm,db,orderStatus,tehGuid,tehToken);

  public Loader<Cursor> onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
     return new MyCursorLoader(getActivity(), db);

  public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor c) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub

  public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> arg0) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  static class MyCursorLoader extends CursorLoader {
        DB db;
      public MyCursorLoader(Context context, DB db) {
        this.db = db;
      public Cursor loadInBackground() {
                 //В начальный момент база данных пустая
           c = db.getData(orderStatus);
       return c;

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4 answer(s)
Alexey S., 2016-02-25

lsof | grep deleted

Ilya Chernikov, 2016-02-25

ls -la /usr
du -cmh /usr

Denis, 2016-03-05

using the telepathic method:
#ls -l /var/spool/clientmqueue/
.... many many files that the senmail
solution generates (if the idea is guessed)
PS although of course /usr/... :( I'll

#du -cs /* | sort -n
1342636	/usr
12364008	/var
15006492	total
#du -cs /var/* | sort -n
1768308	/var/log
9570600	/var/lib
12364020	total
#du -cs /var/lib/* | sort -n

the line before total will be the most devouring directory, we will look at it next time ...

Viktor Melnyk, 2014-07-03

Adapter is empty because.
In the getData method, you get the Cursor and initialize the Loader. Since the Cursor is empty, the if branch fails and adapter is not initialized. The Loader then completes its loading with the onLoadFinished method, which calls adapter.swapCursor(c). adapter is null, so we get a crash.

public void onLoadFinished(Loader<Cursor> loader, Cursor c) {
    if (adapter != null) {

public void onLoaderReset(Loader<Cursor> arg0) {
    if (adapter != null) {

You also initialize adapter in a loop, which you don't have to do.

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