armadillo-cld2020-08-27 15:59:04
armadillo-cld, 2020-08-27 15:59:04

"An attempt was made to perform an unsupported operation." What is the problem?

In general, dropped the project.
The project is quite large, but it so happened that I was not satisfied with the ID of the buttons, so I decided to arrange them. Everything was sort of scattered. The first time there was such an error, but then I understood why it was. It was because I changed the button ID from 5 to 6, and all the functions remained the same, which caused everything to get mixed up. It was enough to change all the functions of button 5 to 6, and the project was launched.
I remember everything worked yesterday, saved it, went to bed, today I wake up, open the project, and bam "Attempt to execute an unsupported function." This time I can not understand what the problem is, because I did not change anything. Help, how to correctly identify the problem? I'm trying to make a hack on OnInitDialog but the error occurs before calling this function...

Found the place where the error occurs.

CAppDlg dlg;
  m_pMainWnd = &dlg;
  INT_PTR nResponse = dlg.DoModal();

After calling DoModal in the InitInstance function, an error occurs.

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1 answer(s)
maaGames, 2020-08-27

Put a break in DoDataExchange. Most likely again the discrepancy between the ID of the control and the one used in the code.

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