sowhynot2014-05-04 22:26:59
sowhynot, 2014-05-04 22:26:59

An analogue of the Puu.sh screencloud screenshot?

In general, in search of an analogue of this miracle. but with the ability to upload to your server via SFTP/Ftp
In puush, you can upload not only screenshots, but also files of any format to the server. through the context menu in windows. Something like this Puush.gifWell, you understand. And it is also desirable that it randomly generates a url like yourdomain.com/8zc46.gif Found screencloud
suits almost everyone. but no Url random. and there is no context menu / ability to upload any file to the server.

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1 answer(s)
jidckii, 2014-07-26

Screencloud has the possibility of a random name: shot.weburg.ru/jidckii/1406399151.png
But there is no editor ((
In this sense, monosnap.com
is best of all, but it is not available under linux (((

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