solomonych2012-02-10 15:13:50
Text Processing Automation
solomonych, 2012-02-10 15:13:50

An advanced text editing program?

There was a need for a text editing program that has the following functions:
1) multiple replacement of words in the text (lines with pairs of Word tab Replacement),
2) deletion of all numbers in the text,
3) deletion of all English / Russian words in the text,
4) deletion html tags (all or specific),
5) search and replace / delete by the root of the word (if the word has different endings),
6) Work with multiple documents, including subfolders.
7) And other functions like that...
As I understand it, all this is based on regular expressions, but I myself am not a programmer and I can’t write the necessary software, so I would like to find some kind of ready-made solution (for sure I’m not the first one looking for such prog)…

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5 answer(s)
Victor, 2012-02-10

Vim is the most powerful, but if you are not a programmer, it will seem unnecessarily complicated and incomprehensible. In this case Notepad++. Small, fast, has plugins.

bagyr, 2012-02-10

MS Word, there is also help on regular expressions for non-programmers.

@zzeneg, 2012-02-10

Notepad++, online help for regular expressions.

Stdit, 2012-02-10

Regular expressions are not software, but a standard language for describing patterns for finding and replacing text. It is supported by many text editors (OpenOffice, Notepad++, UltraEdit, Vim). If your work is related to text editing, it will save a lot of nerves and time.

Shedal, 2012-02-10

To hell with it, Textpad is a good text editor, with a better regex engine than other editors. Including, it supports many lowercase regular expressions, with newlines.

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