Violator712016-10-25 14:53:12
Network administration
Violator71, 2016-10-25 14:53:12

Amazon EC2. Why are only Northern Virginia and Oregon allowed?

Good day to all.
More than a year ago, I registered several accounts in AMAZON AWS, on which I successfully logged in and use to this day. EC2 allows all regions to run instances.
Last week, I asked a friend to sign up for another account in order to receive a free annual service. During the registration process, I had to communicate with technical support by phone in order to verify it (a friend of an English dialer could not master it).
The account has now been approved, but instances can only be run in Oregon or Northern Virginia. And I really want to do it in Frankfurt, because. ping there is minimal, and for the asterisk that is planned to be raised, this is important.
Has anyone come across such a situation, what can be done? Is this a special case or is it always like this now? Does it make sense to register another account?

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1 answer(s)
Alexey, 2016-10-25

"we might also remove the constrained Availability Zone from the list of Availability Zones for new customers"
I think that the list will be similar when registering in the near future.

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