Eugene2015-07-28 01:20:19
Eugene, 2015-07-28 01:20:19

Am I infringing copyright with this logo?

If I create a logo for my game with the same style as in the picture, just not "Star Wars" but "Galaxy Wars" or "Galaxy Battle" for example, would that be illegal? And if you change the color of the stroke of the letters (to red, for example)? How to understand where is the line between "stole" and "created"?

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4 answer(s)
Seva, 2015-07-28

I think Walt Disney lawyers can prove copyright infringement even if you call your wife Chewbacca in bed.

FoxInSox, 2015-07-28

Universal advice: To understand something in which you do not understand, you must at least consult with people who understand this. In your case, these people are lawyers.
ps although of course you can trust people who will answer you on the Internet.

Riard Brugekaaim, 2015-07-28

On the one hand, there were precedents. Recall bethesda's far-fetched lawsuit against mojang. (Allegedly Scrolls is infringing on the TES logo.) But on the other hand, they were mojang, who by that time were rowing money with a shovel. And therefore, I doubt that even if you sell all your property, you will have enough money to pay such a claim amount that Disney would stir up for.

Alexey Yeletsky, 2015-07-28

Most likely the font in which it is written is at least paid. Therefore, it will be impossible to use exactly the same font without explicitly paying its copyright holders (the question is whether they will sell it at all).
But nothing will forbid the use of a similar font that differs in details. Google should give a bunch of links to free fonts that are very close to the original.

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