Mirzo Juraev2016-07-28 08:21:34
Command line
Mirzo Juraev, 2016-07-28 08:21:34

After rolling back from windows 10 to seven, problems began. How to decide?

And so, comrades, about a week ago I decided to upgrade to Windows 10. In general, I used and compared which OS is more convenient for me to use. And today I finally decided in favor of Windows 7, which was familiar to me.
I rolled back through the parameters menu everything as it should. But here's the bad luck, it rolled back and the Windows recovery tool started (because Windows couldn't be started), it makes diagnostics and issues "The startup recovery tool cannot automatically repair this computer" and the choice to send this information to Microsoft or not to send. And by the way, at this point, my mouse and keyboard do not work.
Launched a Windows image from a flash drive, writes "bootmgr is missing" and offers control alt and divides to reboot.
If you just run Windows, it shows something blue and immediately reboots.
How to fix?
PS there is access to the command line when he tries to do diagnostics if I cancel and go there there is a command line.

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2 answer(s)
Сергей, 2016-07-28
@edinorog Куратор тега Windows

Правило номер один. Не обновляй ось до новой версии! Если конечно не хочется острых ощущений. Снеси и поставь с нуля.
Правило номер два. Сидеть на устаревшей оси можно, но категорически не рекомендуется. Ибо количество дыр в ее безопасности ... стремится к бесконечности.
Правило номер три. Не откатывайся после обновления оси. Это как правило номер один, но масштабы бедствия раза в три больше.

АртемЪ, 2016-07-28
@Jump Куратор тега Windows

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