link_irk2015-03-05 09:14:51
link_irk, 2015-03-05 09:14:51

ActiveRecord: How to select data by condition through a join table?

I have 3 sites on Yii2, they work on the same engine, on the same database, because most of the data overlaps.
Configuration: advanced
The structure of the database is as follows:
In frontend/web/index.php I get the site model:

$site = Sites::find() -> where(['domain' => 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']]) -> one();
Yii::$app -> params['site'] = $site;

In the Sites model, I have a getter:
public function getNews()
    return $this->hasMany(News::className(), ['id' => 'news_id'])->viaTable('site_news', ['site_id' => 'id']);

Accordingly, I can get news related specifically to this site anywhere by contacting $news = Yii::$app -> params['site'] -> newsand receiving a collection of News objects
. But what if I need to extract not all the news, but for example only 2, or select the news that satisfies some condition?
And is such an organization of models generally correct?

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1 answer(s)
Vit, 2015-03-05

getNews does not actually return a list of news, but a query object, on which you can attach additional conditions before making a selection.
An example of getting two latest news:
The actual request to the database and getting the list of news happens only at the last step - when calling all().
An example of adding a condition:

$news = Yii::$app->params['site']->getNews()->andWhere(['type' =>1])->all()

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