Anton Neverov2016-03-16 14:58:02
Anton Neverov, 2016-03-16 14:58:02

A WordPress plugin that will output given values ​​to a template?

There was a task to make a convenient change of some data on the site, without FTP, through the admin panel.
For example, a phone number. As I see this functionality: there is a plugin that has an unlimited number of fields. I enter the necessary values ​​​​in them (in our case, I enter the phone number in the field) and the plugin generates a short code that I can insert anywhere on the site. In the future, when changing this field, the value will also change on all pages where it is set.
Is it possible?
Thanks in advance!

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Pshkll, 2016-03-16

ACF or Pods

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