massef2018-04-23 19:02:49
Web development
massef, 2018-04-23 19:02:49

A tool that tells you at what point the site is slowing down?

Some clients complain that the site "slows down". At the same time, we do not have strong brakes.
Are there any tools that can show problem areas when loading pages on the user's side?

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2 answer(s)
Ranwise, 2018-04-23

соберите больше информации от пользователей у которых тормозит, может вы там на i7 + ssd и не тормозите, а пользователи с древних телефонов с 3g тормозят, либо браузер что-то не поддерживает

Сергей, 2018-04-23

in chrome there is a CPU throttling setting (Performance tab)
Enable CPU slowdown and set the FPS meter
For example, this one from Yuri Artyukh
... sags. Usually these are heavy functions on .scroll , .resize . First of all, I would check them
and install the debounce/throttle functions with lodash
You can take it from here (cut from the library and without es6)

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