Maxim2011-10-04 17:33:48
Maxim, 2011-10-04 17:33:48

A tool for building a web project written in Java

Good day to all. Please tell me which tool for building a J2ee web project is better to learn: Maven, Ant, Gradle, or something else?
Thanks in advance!

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8 answer(s)
javax, 2011-10-04


romik, 2011-10-04

Learn better maven, and use, if possible, gradle :-)

diostm, 2011-10-09

As an alternative, I can offer you a bunch of Ant + Ivy. Of the benefits - Ant is a good old hammer that has proven itself well, Ivy is a dependency manager that is easily called from under Ant'a. And Ivy is less verbose than Maven. In general, this is a possible good alternative for Maven. On the other hand, in order to start using the same Maven, it will be enough to familiarize yourself with Maven in 5 minutes and google a little. I can't say anything about Gradle. But if there is no desire to understand and delve into it especially strongly, then I would choose Maven - it's like an automatic transmission. It gives you a little less control over the car, which you don't need 99% of the time.

partysun, 2011-10-04


ShadowMaster, 2011-10-04

Ant or maven

dborovikov, 2011-10-06

I vote for Maven :) Make no mistake. Where flexibility is needed, there is a maven-antrun-plugin (you can write ant-tasks in a maven file).

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