mediagenia2012-04-22 23:28:42
mediagenia, 2012-04-22 23:28:42

A ready-made solution for a pop-up window on the site after N seconds?

We need a ready-made solution (jquery plugin) for the following situation: the user enters the site, after 7 seconds a window opens on the right, which can be closed or ignored (does not interfere with further work with the site). If the plugin will be able to show the user such a window once, it will be even better.

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2 answer(s)
Anatoly, 2012-04-23

You would have written such a window while writing this question. Banal div, and a line of code:
setTimeout( function(){ $('#popupDiv').animate({'left':200}, 'slow'); }, 7000 );

S1ashka, 2012-04-23

Go to some warez or porn site without adblock, but with antivirus =)
they often get a window there a la qip / icq message - just on the right, or like on VKontakte - take sorts on the left
, scroll through the meat grinder and you will be happy

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