Yuri Surname2020-04-04 17:12:38
Yuri Surname, 2020-04-04 17:12:38

API Visual program select in Edit from Json?

Hello everyone, guys, I’ll say right away that I’m new to Python, I switched to it from Delphi, since there is a need to work with https, well, that’s not the point. The thing is, I’m writing a visual program, I received the form, I also receive data, I insert data into labels, etc., the program receives a Json list with parameters, but I can’t get some parameters and therefore the program crashes, please see how to fix it or what to add or remove , in other words, show the selection algorithm in Json, iterate through all the parameters and display the necessary ones in labels, thanks in advance I


import sys
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets
from form import Ui_Dialog
import requests
import json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup



r = requests.get(CHARACTER_URL + chart, headers=HEADERS)
    res = r.json()
    ui.label1.setText('User ID :  ' + json.dumps(res['info']['id'], indent=2))
    ui.label2.setText('User Type :  ' + json.dumps(res['info']['type'], indent=2))
    ui.label3.setText('User Name :  ' + json.dumps(res['info']['name'], indent=2))
    ui.label4.setText('User SecStatus :  ' + json.dumps(res['info']['secStatus'], indent=2))

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1 answer(s)
Igor Statkevich, 2020-04-05

response = requests.get(CHARACTER_URL + chart, headers=HEADERS)
json_data = response.json()         # Здесь ты уже получаешь json
ui.label1.setText('User ID : {}'.format(json_data['info']['id']))
ui.label2.setText('User Type : {}'.format(json_data['info']['type']))
ui.label3.setText('User Name : {}'.format(json_data['info']['name']))
ui.label4.setText('User SecStatus : {}'.format(json_data['info']['secStatus']))
# Для вывода строк старайся не использовать сложение строк "+"

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