darksladen2017-08-18 18:07:54
darksladen, 2017-08-18 18:07:54

What apps do you use on your smartphone?

What useful programs that you often use are installed on your smartphone? Write the name and purpose. Personally, I use these most often:
Pocket - I constantly add articles and videos to it to read them later
Evernote - I write down important information so I don't forget
Google Photos - the best unlimited storage for photos and videos

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3 answer(s)
xuBpaloLim, 2017-09-30

Evernote, including mainly for the purposes that you have Pocket - that is, for "read later." Or rather, I collect my own Wikipedia on topics that interest me. True, you can only add from a large computer, and on the phone you can only read. It asks for money from time to time, but the features of the free version are more than enough.
Telegram / Whatsapp
Mail (two different branded ones: under the mail.ru mailbox, the Mail.Ru program and under the GMail mailbox, the Google Inbox program, 2 different because I assume that they may have some kind of their own API, more intelligent than universal IMAP, judging by the inhibition of non-branded programs that work with Mail.ru and GMail via IMAP)
LinguaLeo, for a fee
CashOrganizer, for a fee. There is a new free version. But I'm used to the old version, there is a different interface. I had to buy.
Browser built-in Samsung Browser. I used Firefox and Chrome on my old phone. But Samsung's built-in is good enough, it's enough.
Taxi-Maxim, does not work for all regions.
Client-bank of my
JuiceSSH bank, bought. There is a free pretty cool analogue, then in that analogue there is no support for mosh
Endomondo, I bought it. There are free alternatives. For example, Nike Running seems to.
Orfox / Orbot
Double-Gis, not available everywhere. But where there is - a very convenient thing.
OsmAnd + for traveling outside the cities, in the wild mountains, I bought it. You can use it for free, it seems maps of 3 regions. And I needed a little more regions.
Apox Proxmox, bought
Key2Lay, bought. Only for entering passwords that are written in Cyrillic, but in the Latin layout.
Apple Music, Paid
Google Analytics
Google Cloud

DarkMode, 2017-10-16

firefox - streams / music when locked screen, supports extensions (ublock)
google trasnalte - translate when you click on the word (very handy)
wolfram alpha (paid)

A person from Kazakhstan, 2017-08-18

and I generally deleted all the standard google applications
, it costs stack.exchange and google mail, since on ruSO authorization through google+ well, google+ itself and that's it

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